Life’s overwhelming, especially when you try to do it alone.

You don’t have to.  


Some people think therapy is too expensive.

Yes, it does cost money. But when you think about it, it’s much more than an expense--it’s an investment. It’s an important investment in you, your family, your loved ones, your future.

As you find more hope and heal old wounds and hurts, your outlook and your relationships will improve. And to be real, your financial future will likely improve, too. The long-term rewards outweigh the short-term investment in counseling, especially in light of what you’ll miss if you don’t get the help you are seeking.


Others think therapy takes too much time.

Therapy does take time, and that’s okay. You didn’t get where you are overnight, and quick fixes usually don’t exist. Plus, the change you’re looking for actually happens in the time between sessions. It takes effort to change your thinking, habits, relationships, your perspective on life.

Our sessions serve as a catalyst to help you make these changes. As you enjoy being with yourself and others more, you will see the regular hour you spend with us is worth it--more than worth it.

Some try to double down on trying to “fix” themselves. If that sounds like you, well, how’s that working? Aren’t you tired of struggling and trying to figure it out on your own? Having another person join you in your journey will bring results faster.

You don’t have to go it alone.

Last, countless other thoughts can keep people from making an appointment.


We get it. Opening up is scary. Feeling afraid is normal.

Concerns about expressing problems in your life or family are valid. But don’t worry--everything you share is safe with us.

We have been there in our own struggles, but we also know the road forward is a brighter tomorrow.