Five Tips for Surviving and Thriving in Your First Year of College

A photo of a girl with an open book on her head

You’ve finally unpacked the last box for your dorm room, learned some of the individual’s names on your hall, attended the welcome week activities, and have begun your first college classes. You’ve discovered which foods NOT to eat in the dining hall, are learning more about the culture of the school, and picked up on the lingo some of the other students use around campus. Things are starting to make some more sense since you moved in, but there is still so much to learn about this new change in lifestyle called “college.”

Beginning your first year of college offers new, exciting adventures, yet can push you into an entirely new routine that is challenging to navigate.

Thankfully, you’re not alone in this new season, and there are various ways to not only survive, but truly thrive in your college experience! Found below are just 5 ways you can completely change your first year of college for the better:

  • Find a quiet spot on where you can simply rest

    • Finding rest in the midst of a busy schedule is one of the most important things you can do as a college student. This may look like scheduling time for yourself to relax in your room before your roommate returns from their classes or, if you have a car on campus, driving to a park and listening to some of your favorite music. Ask yourself, “what does rest look like for me,” and create a unique way to add it into your routine.

  • Create rewards for yourself (even for the smallest victories)

    • Maybe this looks like grabbing your favorite drink at Dunkin after a long Monday full of classes or getting a group of your friends together at the end of the week to hang out. You may ask yourself, “what motivates me to get this task done,” and use it in a way to help you stay focused on accomplishing your goals.

  • Be intentional with your schedule

    • Maintaining a healthy daily schedule is vital to a positive experience in college, making it important to learn ways in which you can get responsibilities done, while still having fun. One of the easiest ways of doing this is to create a calendar where you first list all upcoming classes and their assignments/quizzes/exams, including the time you will need to complete these assignments/study. After doing this, add in any other responsibilities you might have, such as job shifts, then add any fun activities or events that you would like to attend. This will allow you to complete what you need while also ensuring that you’re doing more just school work each day.

  • Identify supportive individuals that you can confide in when you feel overwhelmed

    • Having people you trust and can confide in during seasons of transition, such as college, are a positive support when you are feeling overwhelmed. Ask yourself, “who is someone I can call when I need encouragement,” or “who is someone that I know has my best interest at heart?” Find the individuals that also want to celebrate in your victories with you, or are willing to simply be an ear to listen when you need to talk. Perhaps this is a parent, a best friend from high school, or a significant other.  Identify the individuals you want in your corner when you are on the mountains and in the valleys of life.

  • Stay humble

    • College classes are meant to be challenging. It’s okay if there are some concepts you are struggling with- that just means you’re learning new things! You are allowed and are welcome to ask for help if you need it. It is okay to need help. And who knows? Maybe someone will be asking you for help with the same concepts in the future!

Navigating this new season of life may be challenging, but you have the tools to succeed in what you have set your mind to do. And look at how far you have come!

Take a deep breath. You got this.

P.S. Here’s a bonus tip! I am pretty obsessed with dogs so, when I was in college, I found a humane society near campus where I could volunteer taking care of dogs for a few hours after classes. This was so unbelievably therapeutic for me and may be the same way for you! Check your area to see if there is a humane society nearby and enjoy caring for the animals that live there!

Written by Gianna M. Maneri

About Gianna:

Gianna desires to come alongside in support and encouragement as you grow through what you are going through. She specializes in working with children, teens, women, and couples, guiding them in discovering healthy practices in their lives by promoting growth in mental health, strength, vulnerability, and unity.


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