Finding Balance When We are Stressed, Overwhelmed, and Burnt Out
Do you find yourself scrolling through your phone aimlessly because that is all your mind is capable to do at the moment?
Or are you like the Energizer Bunny that keeps going and going and at the end of the day it seems like nothing was done?
How about this one, do you feel resentful towards those close to you thinking that you do all the work for the family.
If you answered yes to one or all of these you may be feeling burnt out, stressed and or overwhelmed.
We, at Light the Way Counseling Center, understand how easy it is to get stuck focusing on getting things done at the expense of your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health. Here are some tips to find balance and feeling more capable of handling the stresses that life brings.
Tips for finding balance in your life
First and foremost, having a strong relationship with God and having a good spiritual support system (church family).
If you are not plugged into a church, I encourage you to plug into a church. It is vital to your spiritual wellbeing and part of your self-care. At a good church you can benefit from finding people on the same chapter of life as you.
You can serve others through volunteering, which is proven to reduce stress, increase happiness, develop confidence, and it gives you purpose outside of your kids and routines.
You will be in a place that will constantly push you to mature spiritually, learn and grow closer to God; which as a added benefit your relationships will improve.
The second tip would be to practice good self-care.
I know this must sound impossible for some of you; you already have your plate full and we are telling you to add something. Trust us. We can sympathize with how difficult it can be to take time for yourself. Self-care does not have to take up a lot of time. We have a blog post dedicated with tips on how to self-care.
Our third tip is to have a good support system.
The definition of a support system is a network of people that can provide you with practical or emotional support. They will help you improve your overall health and well-being. They are someone that you can rely on when you need them the most.
Having a good support system improves your coping skills, reduces depression, anxiety and stress.
To set up a good support system you need to allow yourself to ask for help and receive help when offered. Also, ask God for discernment and guidance as you look to increase your support system. Let Him guide you.
Thirdly, check with the people in your inner circle or the places you frequently visit (church, sports events, school).
Our last tip would be to seek counseling.
How would you know when you need counseling? When you are practicing these things and you are still in despair, anxious and overwhelmed to the extent that they interfere with life. When there is a disproportionate rage, anger or resentment. When the reaction does not match the offense. When you have intrusive thoughts and they take up a significant part of your day. Counseling is a commitment to yourself to learn more about yourself, what triggers and what negative patterns you are stuck in. Counseling can also help you have more fulfilling relationships.
Feeling stressed and overwhelmed can seem like an acceptable state of being in our society. We here at Light the Way believe that you can find balance where you can meet your needs and fulfill your responsibilities well. We are here to help you on your journey to find hope, healing, and a better way to manage your stress.
Written by Erica Realpe
About Erica Realpe:
Erica works with couples, families, individuals and groups coming from both English and Spanish speaking backgrounds. Erica's passion is to provide counseling for the well being and restoration of family relationships.