Mentally Exhausted? Lack Willpower? Feel Fresher Fast with these Simple Tips!

A picture of a man sitting at a desk with his hands over his face

When we wake up in the morning, each of us has our plans for the day.

Then, the day itself begins.

The unexpected happens. Our schedules get disrupted. We get bombarded by emails, texts, calls, and notifications. What we planned doesn’t get done.

On days like these, it’s pretty normal to slink home at the end of the day. Binging Netflix sounds pretty darn good.

But it doesn’t have to always be this way.

Decision fatigue is real.

Modern life is complex.

Increasingly, most of us find ourselves feeling exhausted by it all.

But it’s not necessarily because we’re exercising more or doing more outside the house. In large part, it’s because we’re consuming more information—and having to make decisions, even split-second ones, about all of it.

In a typical day, each of us makes thousands and thousands of decisions. By evening, it’s easy to be mentally fatigued. As this happens day after day, it’s harder and harder to feel fresh at all.

Welcome to decision fatigue.

While decision fatigue affects everyone a little differently (and sometimes how it looks depends on the day), in general, people experiencing it can:

  •      Feel very busy

  •      Have trouble focusing

  •      Do lots of “multitasking”

  •       Make rash decisions

  •      Procrastinate or avoid tasks altogether

  •      Struggle to make simple choices

  •      Experience real mental and physical fatigue

If a lot of that sounds like you, that’s okay.

We get it.

And there’s a way out.

Simple Tips That Make a Big Difference

When we’re suffering from decision fatigue, simple things can make a big difference.

Often, upon examination, we find we have let some healthy routines and habits fly out the window. 

Our brain prefers rituals and routines because it doesn’t have to expend too many calories in making decisions. By making more of life automatic, we free up mental bandwidth for bigger things.

As a result, healthy rituals and habits help us stay fresher longer. By pre-deciding what we’re going to do, we combat decision fatigue and feel more in control of our days.

And here’s the good news: getting rituals and routines back into our lives can be the key to getting recharged again.

Decision fatigue doesn’t have to deplete you.

Here are six simple things to do that that will help you eliminate decision fatigue and feel more energized throughout your days:

Simple Tip #1: Get enough sleep. When we sleep, our brain cleanses itself of toxins. At least 7-8 hours of sleep a night helps us stay healthy—and makes us better able to stick to our decisions throughout the day.

Simple Tip #2: Set up routines. Our brain prefers to work on automatic. The more routines we establish and stick to, the more our brain is freed up to be fresh for important activities.

Simple Tip #3: Be patient. It takes time to make habits and routines automatic. Avoid the temptation to overhaul everything at once. Instead, do this: Implement one new routine at a time. Focus on one new habit that will make a big difference and stay with it until it’s automatic. Then start another. Quickly, your life will look and feel very different.

Simple Tip #4: Eat your frog. No, I’m not being gross. The Chinese Proverb says, “Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and the rest of your day won’t be so bad.” In other words, do your toughest project first, and the rest of your day will go better. You will get more done, and your willpower will last longer.

Simple Tip #5: Turn off your phone. Our smart phones run us ragged. But calm can be on the other side of switching them off. Doing so an hour or two before bed will help you get better sleep, and it will also help you wind down at the end of the day.

Simple Tip #6: Plan your priorities. Of course, our best laid plans can be blown away. But scheduling important tasks can help us stay focused. Plan your meals for the week at the beginning of the week. Plan time for projects. Schedule that date night with your spouse.

After reading that list, you may be thinking, “But Cindy, that’s a big list! I’m exhausted just thinking about where to start!” Don’t worry. You don’t have to do all of this at the same time.

Here’s what I suggest: Focus on Tip #1. Once you’re back to getting good sleep most nights, then choose the next habit to make. That good sleep will make everything else easier.

Be patient. With time and focus, your decision fatigue will improve. You’ll feel more fresh, less overwhelmed, and much more in control of life again.

Written by: Cindy Picht, LPC, CEO and Sloan Milliken,

About Cindy:

Cindy is director and co-founder of Light the Way Counseling. She is a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional and a Certified Clinical Anxiety Treatment Professional. She combines her skills with compassion and encouragement to help people find hope and healing.


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