Getting Back to Normal - 7 Tips to Feel Less Stressed Today

Photo of a woman sitting in a field looking out at mountains

It’s been a long, hard couple of years. We have felt lonely, isolated and frustrated. We weren’t able to see people and do activities. It has been so, so hard. 

Now, after more than a year, many of us are traveling, seeing people, doing activities and enjoying life. It feels invigorating and free. 

Many of us, however, are feeling really stressed. That is normal. We get it. It’s been a stressful time. It’s tough getting back to a normal routine. Here are some tips to help you feel invigorated.

  1. Remember you are not alone. 

We all have experienced this past year together, although isolated from one another. We have the same concerns, fears, and need for adjusting. We long for relationships that have been put on hold and to forge new relationships to help us move forward.  The good news is that we don’t have to jump right in to the large crowds at the mall or restaurants if we aren’t ready,

2. Go at your own pace.

You know what is best for you. Care for yourself by setting your pace, not the pace of others.
It’s okay. 

3. Get Outside

Get some sunshine and fresh air. Being outdoors has so many benefits. One benefit is the sun provides us with much needed Vitamin D. Doesn’t it feel good to face towards the sun and feel its warmth? I love it. The air is refreshing. Take a nice slow, deep breath of fresh air. It’s invigorating. 

4. Take a Walk

Enjoy a walk around the neighborhood. Go for a walk at a park or in the woods.  Being out in nature helps us feel less stressed and happier. Being outside in nature and moving our bodies helps reduce stress.

5. Ask One or Two People to Join You

Ask one or two people to join you in an activity to help reconnect with them. Being with other people brings benefits to our health and wellness. We are designed for connection with other people. When we have good connections with people, we feel less stress.

6. Establish Healthy Routines

Having a healthy morning routine helps our day be more positive, less stressful and more enjoyable. It might include exercising, a healthy breakfast, a quiet time of prayer and/or meditation. Other routines might be regularly calling friends or going back to your favorite restaurant once a week. What healthy routines do you want to establish?

7. Stay in the Moment

Stay in the present. Enjoy the moments with friends and family. Stay present in the conversations and activities. Soak it all in. Try not to dwell on yesterday or worry about tomorrow. Stay with today.

We covered several suggestions today. Try one and see how it goes for a week. Once we feel less stressed and are enjoying ourselves more these activities will get easier. Which one will you try this week? 

Written by Cindy Picht, LPC, Director


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