We All Experience Loss. We all Need to Grieve.
Loss is a natural part of life. We normally think of loss happening when something bad happens, but loss can occur when wonderful things happen, too.
Why Do We Argue? (Part 2: the Peace Cycle)
Consider what you know to be true. Think about the character of your partner, how you felt about them when you first met. Consider what their intentions might have been, that they may not have been intentionally trying to hurt you. Envision the situation from their point of view.
Why Do We Argue? (Part 1: the Pain Cycle)
This a typical ‘pursuer-distancer’ dance where one partner pursues (Martha) hoping for connection, but her partner (Jim) distances himself. Why? The way this couple is interacting creates a circular dance…
Have You Breathed Today?
Practice slow deep breaths several times during the day. For example, when you get in your car, take a slow, deep breath. Before you go indoors, take a slow deep breath. This way it will become your default when you start to feel stressed or upset. When we are over stressed or upset, we won’t remember to breathe. It’s important to practice and catch the stress or anxiety early.
Your Thoughts Matter
My thoughts were very negative. This type of anxiety comes through the cortex pathway of the brain to the amygdala.
The cortex is where we have thoughts, imagine, think logically and make plans.
Getting Back to Normal - 7 Tips to Feel Less Stressed Today
It’s tough getting back to a normal routine. Here are some tips to help feel invigorated.