10 Things NOT to Say at a Time of Loss
General Cindy Picht General Cindy Picht

10 Things NOT to Say at a Time of Loss

Often, we don’t know what to say to someone who is sad and grieving. We think we have to say something. It's tough to sit in silence while someone is crying. If we’re honest, sometimes we wish we could say, “Stop it and get over it. You are making me uncomfortable!”

Yes, we may be uncomfortable when someone is upset. But they are probably more uncomfortable being upset. We want to be sure to comfort others with the comfort we have experienced or desire.

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Have You Breathed Today?
General Cindy Picht General Cindy Picht

Have You Breathed Today?

Practice slow deep breaths several times during the day. For example, when you get in your car, take a slow, deep breath. Before you go indoors, take a slow deep breath. This way it will become your default when you start to feel stressed or upset. When we are over stressed or upset, we won’t remember to breathe. It’s important to practice and catch the stress or anxiety early.

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