Leveraging Your Strengths to Thrive with ADHD
October is ADHD awareness month. Often times when we think of ADHD we think of all the challenges that come with it and get discouraged. Our blog focuses on how to harness your strengths and super powers that come with ADHD. Read more to for key strategies for success.
Do You Take My Insurance?
The question we get the most is Do we take your insurance. In this blog we explain the reasons why we have chosen to stay out of network with insurance. Our main reason is that we want to serve you best.
Boundaries in Parenting: A Guide to Healthy Relationships
In today's parenting landscape, setting clear boundaries is crucial yet often misunderstood. Boundaries are more than just rules; they are the expectations and consequences that help shape our children's behavior and development.
Let the Sunshine In: How the Sun Lifts Our Mood
We’ve all heard about the dangers of too much direct sunlight, but the truth is that sunshine is
essential for our health. Let’s explore a few critical ways that spending time in the sun can
positively impact our mental health, particularly when managing depression. The benefits of the
sun occur even when it’s cloudy or raining.
Illuminating Hope: Understanding and Supporting PTSD
June is PTSD Awareness Month, a time dedicated to spreading awareness, understanding, and support for those affected by Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This condition is often associated with veterans because of what they saw and experienced while they served our country. But, It can affect anyone who has experienced a traumatic event or witnessed a traumatic event.