Let the Sunshine In: How the Sun Lifts Our Mood
General, Anxiety and Depression Cindy Picht General, Anxiety and Depression Cindy Picht

Let the Sunshine In: How the Sun Lifts Our Mood

We’ve all heard about the dangers of too much direct sunlight, but the truth is that sunshine is

essential for our health. Let’s explore a few critical ways that spending time in the sun can

positively impact our mental health, particularly when managing depression. The benefits of the

sun occur even when it’s cloudy or raining.

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Illuminating Hope: Understanding and Supporting PTSD
General, Anxiety and Depression Cindy Picht General, Anxiety and Depression Cindy Picht

Illuminating Hope: Understanding and Supporting PTSD

June is PTSD Awareness Month, a time dedicated to spreading awareness, understanding, and support for those affected by Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This condition is often associated with veterans because of what they saw and experienced while they served our country. But, It can affect anyone who has experienced a traumatic event or witnessed a traumatic event.

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