Laughter is the Best Medicine
“Laugh and the world laughs with you”. It’s true. Laughing with others decreases our stress. Our relationships grow closer. Being with others and laughter improves our wellbeing. The saying, “laughter is the best medicine” has a lot of truth to it.
Parenting is Heart Work
When we decided to bring children into the world, we did not receive an instruction manual. We had no guidebook to teach us how to care for and raise that child and how to face the challenges parenthood entails. As parents, we are called to provide for all our children’s basic needs, even those needs that are not visible to the naked eye.
Salt Water Heals - The Ocean is More Healing than We Thought
Being at the ocean is relaxing and calming. We feel our muscles relax, the tension in our neck subsides, and we breathe deeper. Our stress and problems recede, like the waves going back out to sea. We feel lighter, our burdens lifting from our shoulders. At night, with the sea breeze blowing over us through open windows, we sleep soundly.
Salt Water Heals - The Beautiful Benefit of Our Tears
Remember, crying is healthy. The salt water in our tears help us. Tears help our emotional health, boost emotional intelligence, and increase healthy attachments and coping abilities.
Salt Water Heals - The Amazing Healing Properties of Sweat
Sweating, especially through vigorous exercise or working out, has several health benefits. We sweat mostly water, but salt, along with other chemicals, that are released through our sweat.
Sweating has several health benefits for us physically and emotionally.
7 Signs Your Marriage is Healthy and How to Keep it Going
It’s not grand gestures that make a marriage great. It’s not major feats or super activities to keep a marriage healthy and thriving. It’s the small, daily activities that keep a marriage vibrant.
7 Signs Your Marriage is Fracturing and How to Turn it Around
As we do the hard work to become more aware of the state of our marriage and ourselves, we can take the steps to help make the marriage vibrant and thriving. Does your marriage show any of these signs?
6 Signs of a Distressed Marriage and How to Turn it Around
When you are aware of the state of your marriage, you can take steps to make it better. Although it may appear hopeless, there is hope in a distressed marriage.
Healing Wounds
The process of healing wounds starts with discovering the wound or wounds that occurred in one’s past.
3 Activities to get Unstuck when Grieving
When we’re grieving, we need to know what to do to process our loss. While there are many things that help in the grieving process, at Light the Way we like to teach people three powerful activities to help them grieve well.
10 Ways to Help Someone Grieve Well
What we say and do can help heal a person’s broken heart… or keep their heart hurting.
10 Things NOT to Say at a Time of Loss
Often, we don’t know what to say to someone who is sad and grieving. We think we have to say something. It's tough to sit in silence while someone is crying. If we’re honest, sometimes we wish we could say, “Stop it and get over it. You are making me uncomfortable!”
Yes, we may be uncomfortable when someone is upset. But they are probably more uncomfortable being upset. We want to be sure to comfort others with the comfort we have experienced or desire.