Illuminating Hope: Understanding and Supporting PTSD
General, Anxiety and Depression Cindy Picht General, Anxiety and Depression Cindy Picht

Illuminating Hope: Understanding and Supporting PTSD

June is PTSD Awareness Month, a time dedicated to spreading awareness, understanding, and support for those affected by Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This condition is often associated with veterans because of what they saw and experienced while they served our country. But, It can affect anyone who has experienced a traumatic event or witnessed a traumatic event.

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Toxic Mirror
General, Anxiety and Depression Guest User General, Anxiety and Depression Guest User

Toxic Mirror

Social media is particularly harmful to body image because the content encourages unrealistic and narrowly defined beauty standards, and it suggests that achieving the perfect appearance is key to self-worth.

If you feel exhausted from striving to achieve an ideal body type that’s simply unattainable, or if you feel ashamed because you have a particular body type, there are some things you can do!

Here are a few ways to eliminate the toxicity in your social media use and start building a positive body image.

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How and Why our Brain Causes Anxiety
Anxiety and Depression Cindy Picht Anxiety and Depression Cindy Picht

How and Why our Brain Causes Anxiety

Although the amygdala is small, it has a huge responsibility in our survival. It’s there to cause the alarm to help protect us, and it’s the source of many of our emotional reactions - both positive and negative. It automatically activates the fight, flight or freeze response. We can’t control when the amygdala is activated. However, once we are aware it is, we can work to calm it down and get ourselves under control.

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